JOGU SmartPitch

SmartPitch unleash new forms of expression by enabling the pitch-wheel to target any notes monophonically and polyphonically, combined with innovative scale features and visualization.

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JOGU SmartPitch


• Set the scale by name or customized
• Set the scale from your DAW using MIDI or VST3.
• Special support for scale-changes.
• Automatically remap to notes in scale.
• Unique and intuitive visualization.
1: Scale setup

Set the scale by name or customized, or set it up from your DAW by using MIDI or VST3.

When using MIDI or VST3 the scale can change throughout an arrangement and scale changes are remembered by the plugin, so if the playhead jump to a new location the scale is automatically updated.

When set up with MIDI, only a short burst of overlapping MIDI notes are needed. (You don't need to prolong the notes).

Scales are automatically recognized, and the plugin shows the closest known scale, with deviations.

2: Remap

Remap WHITE keys to notes in the scale.

In effect, the player only have to use the WHITE keys for almost any scale.

The legal black keys are still fully functional.

3: Illegal notes

Here you can decide what to do with illegal notes - i.e. notes that are not in the scale. You can e.g. remove them entirely, or you can set a max velocity and a max length to let chromatic notes go through without sounding too obtrusive.

4: Scale change

Here you can decide what to do with notes that become legal or illegal after a scale-change.

You can "wake" a note that you hit too early (i.e. before the scale-change kicked it).

You can automatically bend an illegalized note to its nearest legal note.

5: Scale visualization
Scale visualization - Pointers to transparent keys

To visualize scales: Illegal notes are transparent.

This means that SHAPE is used instead of COLOR, so that COLOR can be used for other visualizations.

Remapped notes are shown with a small marker on the bottom of the white keys and a "green light" to show the direction of the mapping.


JOGU SmartPitch


Available on the fly and in combination:

• Bend to notes in the active scale.
• Use the Pitch-Wheel to target any keys on the keyboard, monophonically and/or polyphonically.
• Use a Pitch-Wheel with a Dynamic Origin.

Unleash new forms of expression!

1: Pitch wheel ranges

First you should specify the output range of the pitch-wheel (48 in the example). This should match the range of the synthesizer that recieves the MIDI. PS: This can be set pretty large these days...

Activate 'Intervals' to bend to notes in the active scale by a specified interval amount (1 in the example).

Unless there is a target...

2: Monophonic pitch targets

When this is activate, the extra notes that you hold down become potential TARGETS for the Pitch-Wheel (PW).

The player then has a lot of freedom with regards to which notes to bend to, and how to get there, e.g. the speed.

This opens up a lot of possibilities, for example for bass-lines and solos.

This can be exploited live, and also for programming and for post editing of the MIDI.

3: Polyphonic pitch targets

To morph between two chords (or any two sets of notes):

(1) Play a chord and hold down the SUSTAIN PEDAL
(2) Release the chord while still holding down the SUSTAIN PEDAL
(3) Play a NEW chord. The keys do NOT make any sound yet, but are TARGETS.
(4) Use the PW to morph to the new chord.

Tips and more info:
- The number of notes can vary from one chord to the next.
- You can morph to ever new chords, or back and forth between the two last chords.
- You don't always HAVE to morph to new chords - you can also play as you normally would, but then occasionally use the SUSTAIN PEDAL to trig a chord-morph for variation.
- You can combine 'Monophonic' and 'Polyphonic' and use the SUSTAIN PEDAL to trig polyphonic playing.

4: Pitch Wheel with Dynamic Origin
Pitch-Wheel with Dynamic Origin

When a target (or targets) is reached, and the Pitch-Wheel (PW) is on an EDGE - i.e. at the minimum or maximum position - the PW can:

(a) Work from a new relative origin: The edge is then treated as the origin, so that the pitch(es) can go back to another pitch (or pitches) directly from the edge position,


(b) "Recharge" back to the normal origin: This means that it is possible to rise (or fall) multiple times in succession, without ever releasing the notes.

This works both monophonically and polyphonically.

Don't worry if you don't fully understand this: You will understand it when you try it!

5: Pitch visualization
Pitch visualization - with pointers

Playing notes are yellow.

The actual pitch is marked with a line.

6: Target visualization
Pitch visualization - targets

Taget notes are green.

JOGU SmartPitch

Super Resizable

Resizable for any use case:

• If you want to fit a lot of plugins simultaneously on your screen: Scale the font down and/or make the window small.
• If you want to have every feature instantly available: Scale the font up and/or make the window large.
• Or anything in-between.

JOGU SmartPitch: Features


Scale setup / selection

Let chromatic notes go through
without being too obtrusive.

Remap white keys to notes in scale.
(The black keys are still fully functional)

Decide what to do with legalized
and illegalized notes if the scale changes.

Illegal notes are transparent.
⇒ Using SHAPE instead of COLOR
⇒ Free up color for other visualizations.

Remapped key.

Montering / montør

Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.

Vaktmester / Vedlikehold

Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.

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Hans Petter Sommersen


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